Physics experiment back in 2016: measuring gravity with a small diy torsion pendulum

This experiment ended up not being successful. The idea was to build a compact torsion pendulum using tungsten wire as a torsion fiber, the weights were 100 grams each. I machined all the parts including vibration damper platforms, and motor mount. The only thing in the photos I didn’t machine myself was the stainless steel weights, which were on loan from my professor at the time (from his Ph.D. thesis). The motor was going to be used to start the pendulum into motion once all the energy was all unwound from it. That way it would start consistently every time. The enclosure was to keep air currents from kicking it into motion. and a small optical physics grade mirror was strapped to the pendulum body. A laser was bounced off of it and image processing libraries in mathematica were to be used to track the movement of the laser as it passed a central marker on the path of the pendulums motion. In the end, it was too sensitive and technically, even flushing nearby toilets could put energy into it.

My first diy robot in 2016...

I wanted to make a robot from scratch rather than buy a kit so I ended up making one using some random stepper motors I got out of two salvaged panasonic dot matrix printers. It took a little bit of experimentation to figure out the wiring to the individual coils so I could interface them with the arduino. I tackled this project with no specific design in mind other than I had the two motors. I cut all the acrylic on a cnc router and had to make some shims after changing my design for the rear wheel. Eventually I added a small linear motion slide to the front to incorporate a grabber… These are all the pictures I could find, including one from drawing its first circle while I was calibrating it. I also improvised the wheels using o-rings and more machined acrylic that I screwed into the original gear on the motors.

collaboration with Implied Violence (2010ish)

Me playing accordion in Dorothy K - City Arts Magazine

I wasn’t sure where else to put this, but in 2009-2011 I worked on several performances with Implied Violence as they transitioned into being Saint Genet. My role was often as a musical performer. I contributed several compositions to the performances and performed in other capacities during the various performances I worked on.

I embedded the links to more information below these photos. Both photos have me in them…

Me spitting fake blood with cellophane on my face - Frye Art Museum