Aubrey Birdwell; “Pseudo Random Walks” by Aubrey Birdwell, Seattle, WA - An experiment in psychogeography

Pseudo Random Walks is an ongoing experiment in psycho-geographic urbanism, mapping the “non-places” found throughout the city’s interstices while wandering, observing, and collecting. Each walk is guided by aesthetic intention, letting the discarded fragments train my focus and shape my path.

Drawing from Debord’s writings on dérive, I use acts of collecting, organizing, and mapping detritus as a way to process my relationship with urban space. The project seeks an unmediated and yet structured connection between the built environment and the flows that guide me, allowing the found materials to act as both artifacts of place and markers of raw experience.

Aubrey Birdwell; “Pseudo Random Walks” by Aubrey Birdwell, Seattle, WA - an experiment in psychogeography
Aubrey Birdwell; “Pseudo Random Walks” by Aubrey Birdwell, Seattle, WA - An experiment in psychogeography
Aubrey Birdwell; “Pseudo Random Walks” by Aubrey Birdwell, Seattle, WA - An experiment in psychogeography
Aubrey Birdwell; “Pseudo Random Walks” by Aubrey Birdwell, Seattle, WA - An experiment in psychogeography
Aubrey Birdwell; “Pseudo Random Walks” by Aubrey Birdwell, Seattle, WA - An experiment in psychogeography